Wednesday 5 December 2012

My First Blog!

This is my first ever blog! It will be going onto my NEW website which we have been working on and will soon be published. Exciting! There will be a page of testimonials complete with the lovely photographs my clients have been kind enough to send me but first I have to get their permission. I wouldn't want anyone to feel unhappy about their image appearing on the internet. Although if it's been on Facebook who knows where it might turn up...
We had a very busy Open studios last weekend. I met some really nice people, heard a lot of gorgeous compliments and had great chats with old friends and clients,well I mean dear friends and respected and liked clients. Gosh you have to be careful with your phrasing!
I'm now planning the next few months and will be participating in some shows but can't say which ones just yet. I had a rest from doing exhibitions for a couple of years but I think it's time to get out and meet the public and show some new work. It will be exciting and energising. I'll be updating you with the news as soon as I have confirmed everything.
It has been absolutely freezing today, really very wintery but only 16 days to go before the shortest day and then we will see the days get longer again. I always find that Solstice a turning point in the year.
Time to stop now and feed the moaning cats.