Sunday 17 February 2013

My Twitter Experience

My Twitter Experience

I've had a twitter account for quite a while and then a year or so ago it seemed a good idea to have one dedicated to my Millinery, in fact, JB_Millinery, which turned out to be staggeringly unimaginative, as everybody who has ever made any kind of hat has used their initials followed by Millinery. Having 2 accounts is confusing and people and things overlap in a way I sometimes don't want them too. However I have quite a few followers so I must be getting something right. It was recommended that I watched and read for a while so I got the hang of what was going on and do a bit of retweeting to keep the interest going. I have been retweeting a lot, so much so that I'd reached a kind of paralysis of not being able to create a tweet of my own. Pathetic but true. I did retweet some great stuff though, maths, science, current affairs and gorgeous photos but I still felt happier on the facebook page. Again there's me and then my Judy Bentinck Millinery "Like" page, my business page and I do manage to keep them seperate and the business page is mainly about hats and what I'm doing etc. Twitter seems to be a bit more shouty with clever things to link to others and use @ and rt and ff. It needs planning and thought and timing. Oh and TIME how much time does it take to read all those tweets!
I'm sure I'll get the hang of it and settle into a new routine, tweeting and fbing and checking my SEO and google analytics and the mailouts, oh the compulsion to check the number of opens and the unsubscribed and what did they link to ? A dear friend who works in a different world told me I was being positively masochistic concerning myself with all that is social media. I retorted that I was in a competitive world and that it was indeed important but actually maybe not important but useful, helpful and interesting. A business tool which helps to oil the wheels of communication.
Meanwhile I think I'll just check my fb page.